Priority Call-Out
Priority 3
Within 1-24 Hours
Vehicle Spares and Consumables
First availability during Office Hours
Restore if possible, avoid a repeat
Book Priority Call-Out
This Call-Out is for attending to an Inconvenience or defect on Specified Door Systems and Doors on the Primary Entrance, Egress, and Final Exit Doors, It can also be booked to expedite scheduled service work before our normal scheduled lead time on existing orders. Book this if you are barricaded, but have an alternative entrance or exit for you, Visitors, and/or vehicles. It is an inconvenience, but you can manage in the meanwhile. Lead Time is 1-24 Hours. But only during office hours.This Call-Out includes Vehicle spares, Consumables,
and the first hour of labour (additional hours, if required, are charged in accordance with our standard terms of business.)
Replacement Products are excluded. Payment terms in accordance with our Standard Terms of Business. The Primary Objective would be to reinstate the door to its original state and identify or remove/repair the cause of the defect.
Urgent Call-Out
Priority 2
Within 1-24 Hours
Vehicle Spares and Consumables
First availability during Office Hours
Restore, identify cause, avoid a repeat
Book Urgent Call-Out
Inconvenience, Break-Down, Serious Defect. There is a likelihood that it will become a risk to people or property. Lead Time is 1-24 Hours. First available team is allocated to this request as soon as they complete the scheduled work for the day. If we are not required to come if we cannot make it before you close for business for the day, you prefer we rather attend to it "First Thing "Tomorrow" or "Monday" This Call-Out includes Vehicle spares, Consumables,
and the first hour of labour (additional hours, if required, are charged in accordance with our standard terms of business.)
Replacement Products are excluded. Payment terms in accordance with our Standard Terms of Business.
The primary objective is to "Make it safe" The Secondary Objective would be to Restore the Door to its original State By REPAIR or engineer out the cause of the defect.
Emergency Call-Out
Priority 1
Within 1-8 Hours
Vehicle Spares and Consumables
Required for "After Hours"
Stabalize, Make Safe and restore if possible, avoid a repeat
Book Emergency Call-Out
A Call-Out that requires immediate attention (even if after hours) as it is a Risk to People, property, and/or Business Operations. Lead Time is 1-8 Hours, You require us to attend before closing of business today,(or immediately when booking After hours) We make the closest team to you, "drop everything" and/or Finish what they are working on and head over to you. This Call-Out includes Vehicle spares, Consumables,
and the first hour of labour (additional hours, if required, are charged in accordance with our standard terms of business.
Replacement Products are excluded. Payment terms in accordance with our Standard Terms of Business.
The primary objective is to "Make it safe" The Secondary Objective would be to Restore the Door to its original State By REPAIR or engineer out the cause of the defect.